Arcidiacono, F., Perret-Clermont, A.-N. (2009). Revisiting the
piagetian test of conservation of quantities of liquid:
argumentation within the adult child interaction. Cultural-Historical Psychology,
Barrelet, J.-M., & Perret-Clermont, A.-N. (Eds) (2008). Jean Piaget and Neuchâtel. The learner and the scolar. New York: Psychology Press.
Carugati, F. & Perret-Clermont, A-N. (2015). Learning and Instruction: Social-Cognitive Perspectives. In James D. Wright (editor-in-chief), International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences (2nd edition, Vol 13, pp. 670-676). Oxford: Elsevier.
Ducret, J. (1990) Jean Piaget. Biographie et parcours
intellectuel, Neuchâtel et Paris: Delachaux &
Ducret, J.-J. (2010). Jean Piaget et la psychologie du développement cognitif. Blog consists of 12 courses the summer semester 2010 at the Institute of Psychology and Education at the University of Neuc (the link is also on the Jean Piaget foundation website).
Gréco, P. (1995) Jean Piaget. In: Encyclopedia
Universalis, Paris.
Muller Mirza, N. & Perret-Clermont, A.-N. (Eds) (2009). Argumentation and Education.
Theorical Foundations and Practices. Dordrecht: Springer.
Perret-Clermont, A.-N. (Ed.) (2005). Thinking Time. A Multidisplinary Perspective on Time.
Cambridge, MA: Hogrefe & Huber Pub.
Perret-Clermont, A.-N., Pontecorvo, C., Resnick, L.B., Zittoun,
T. & Burge, B. (2004). Joining
Society. Social Interaction and Learning in Adolescence and
Youth. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Perret-Clermont, A.-N. & Barrelet, J.-M. (Eds) (2008/2014). Jean Piaget and Neuchâtel. The Learner and the Scholar. Hove and New York: Psychology Press. (Paperback)
Psaltis, C., Gillespie, A., & Perret-Clermont, A.-N. (Eds). (2015). Social Relations in Human and Societal Development. Basingstokes (Hampshire, UK): Palgrave Macmillan. (abstract)
Royer, J., Perret-Clermont, A.-N. & Romerio, F. (2006). La perception du temps. Genève: Université de Genève, Centre universitaire d'étude des problèmes de l'énergie.
Vidal, F. (1994). Piaget before Piaget. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Institut de psychologie et éducation de l'Université de Neuchâtel (Fr)
Piaget et les chemins de la connaissance : 8 TV clips on
Jean Piaget (Fr)
Moscow State University of Psychology and Education (new site: http://мгппу.рф/) by its rector V. V. Rubtsov.
Educational psychology faculty Moscow State
University of Psychology and Education (russian) by L. F.
Russian expert of Jean Piaget work.
Obykhova, L.F. & Tkatchenko, C.B. (2008). Possibilities of computer games application for development of perceptual actions. Psychological Science and Education, N° 3. (abstract).
Obykhova, L.F.
(2010). Socio-Cognitive Approach to a Child’s
Intellectual Development Investigation. Psychological
Science and Education, N° 5.
L.F. (2010). Galperin Theory — Establishment of
a New Branch in Psychology. Cultural-Historical
Psychology, N° 4
(2010). (abstract).
Obykhova, L.F. (1996). An unfinished debate: Galperin et Piaget. Psychological Science and Education, N° 1. (russian).
Roubtsov, V.V.
(2011). Psychological preparation
of specialists in solving theoretical
and practical problems posed by
the gifted. Psychological
Science and Education, N° 3. (russian).
V.V., Margolis, A.A. & Telegin, M.B. (2007). Psychological
Research on Genesis and Development of Everyday Concepts in
Educational Dialogue (First Stage). Psychological Science and
Education, N° 2. (russian, abstract).
Margolis, A.A., Roubtsov, V.V. & Telegin, M.B. (2008). Psychological Research on Genesis and Development of Everyday Concepts in Educational Dialogue (Second Stage). Psychological Science and Education, N° 2. (russian, abstract).
On 20 July 2016 is deceased in Moscow Lyudmila Obukhova. She was a great piagetian from Russia and close contact with the Institute of Psychology and Education of the University of Neuchâtel. Several articles from the russian journal Historico-cultural psychology pays tribute to her.
Obituary. Lyudmila Filippovna Obukhova. Kul'turno-istoricheskaya psikhologiya [Cultural-Historical Psychology], 2016. Vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 346-349. doi:10.17759/chp.2016120321.
Interview L.F. Obukhova. Kul'turno-istoricheskaya psikhologiya [Cultural-Historical Psychology], 2016. Vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 350-353. doi:10.17759/chp.2016120322.
Interview with L.F. Obukhova (to the "Symboldrama" magazine). Kul'turno-istoricheskaya psikhologiya [Cultural-Historical Psychology], 2016. Vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 354-359. doi:10.17759/chp.2016120323.